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Frequently asked questions
What size tank do I need?
This depends on location of tank and what the water is to be used for. Even a small tank can harvest a considerable volume of rainwater if the tank is continually being drained then filled in the next rain. You can reduce your dependence on the mains water supply and save on your water bill through ensuring you harvest the optimum amount of rainwater.
What can I use the water for?
Regardless of your location, rainwater can safely be used for watering gardens, flushing toilets and washing clothes. However, for those living in heavily populated areas, i.e. city and inner suburbs, it would be wise to filter the rainwater should you want to drink it, due to residual pollution from roof catchments.
What is a suitable surface to sit my new tank on?
Remember that 1 litre of water equals 1kg so even a small tank of around 500 litres will weigh 500kg! Therefore, your new tank will require a stable, flat surface. This can be a reinforced concrete pad or compacted dolomite/ crusher dust.
See our Site Prep PDF
What does the tank come with?
Not all tanks will require accessories such as taps or water level indicators. Therefore, we supply our tanks as a basic shell which allows you to choose what accessories you will need. This avoids the un-necessary cost involved with purchasing a tank that comes with fittings and accessories that you do not require or, that are not suitable. See our Fittings and Accessories page
How much water can I collect from my roof?
This is fairly simple to work out; you just need to know approximately how many square metres of roof catchment you have. Basically, 1mm of rain on 1 square meter of roof equals 1 litre of water. Therefore, if I have a roof of 50 square meters and we get a downfall of 9mm the equation is:
50 x 9 = 450L of water can be harvested.
See our Rainwater Calculator
How do I keep my tank water clean?
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